Dominique Eckford

Dominique Eckford

Dominique has been with the BMA team for 5 years, providing exceptional administrative support to keep business operations running smoothly.

Her friendly demeanor, sense of teamwork and strong work ethic have enabled her grow in her role and take on additional responsibilities to include project advertisement, bidding, specs, pay apps, change orders etc.

P: (228) 864-7612


“Everything happens for a reason.”

“It is what it is.”

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New Orleans, Louisiana

Fun Fact

I used to be a cheerleader!

Favorite Movie

Transformers franchise… AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT!

Favorite Music

I listen to all genres.

If you could meet anyone...

Mariska Hargitay.  I have been a fan of L&O SVU since I can remember. Her passion for women’s rights really shines through her acting and directing. 

Favorite Hobbies

I enjoy spending time with my family. Sunday dinner is our favorite time of the week. I also like to color on my iPad and watch the ID channel. 

Favorite Sport/Athlete

I'm not a big sports fan, but I will always support my home team - The New Orleans Saints. WHO DAT!

Favorite Destination

North Carolina was beautiful, but one day I wish to the Titanic Museum in Tennessee. 

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